Where you can find us!

The "Lo Zaffiro's Thais" cattery is at my home in Roncaro, I'll be delighted to see you any time!
My cattery is immersed in the countryside , in the little village, Roncaro, near Pavia.

It's easy to reach us from Milano,Leave the ring road (near Bologna A1's exit) taking the 412 Pavia Val Tidone highway. Turn off for Pavia Londriano going to Lardirago, drive through this little village and on to Roncaro.

Below there is a map with a link to the page 'mappe di libero.it' so you can have more detailed directions.


"Lo Zaffiro's Thais" Cattery of Chiara Grube
via S. Agata n. 4 Roncaro (PV) Tel. 0382-953314


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